Currently, for the formation of dumps, in which the bulk of waste is stored, at the enterprises of the mining industry, full-turn dumpers on walking propellers are most widely used. These machines are complex and massive electromechanical systems.
Depending on the conditions and tasks of the consumer, our company presents dumpers: OSH 102/1200 and OSH 150/1600. Due to its capabilities, the 360 degree rotation of the boom and the walking movement mechanism have proven to be economically feasible to use, eliminating the cost of moving the entire platform. Depending on the location and conditions of the power supply of the enterprise, there is a possibility of using an operating voltage of 380v or 6000v, as well as the choice of power and performance of the dumper.
Why cooperate with us?
· In production, we use only high-quality components from world manufacturers. The materials used in the production are strictly controlled at our enterprise.
* Our experience in the operation and maintenance of these machines allows us to improve the mechanisms and take into account all the wishes of the customer.
· Our machines are used and have proven themselves well at the largest mining enterprises in Belarus and abroad.
· We help clients to increase profits from their activities and minimize costs.